Knowing through Making:
Practice-based doctoral exhibition and conference
University for the Creative Arts at Epsom
10th – 22nd October 2008
Knowing through Making will reflect upon the vibrant student research culture at the University for the Creative Arts through an exhibition and conference. The conference and exhibition aim to create a dialogue between individual research projects and their methodological approaches, in order to critically reflect upon practice led scholarship in the visual arts.
The opening of Knowing through Making will be marked by keynote speaker Dr Lucy Soutter from the London College of Communication, University of Arts London. Her recent publications include, Enigmatic Spectacle: Key Strategies in Contemporary Staged Photography, Role Models.
Conference 10th Oct 12pm – 5.45 Lecture Theatre Epsom
Followed by Private View at 6pm at The Gallery at Epsom
Exhibition runs until 22nd Oct
Spaces at the conference are limited so booking is essential.
Please contact: Mary O’Hagan at the Research Office.