Athens, Greece.
My video work You Are a Very Naughty Boy! (2007) will be shown in OPA 0.2 in Athens, Greece. It will screened daily daily at BIOS from 20-24 Μay in the section "Documented performances on Postproduction"

Following its successful first edition in March 2007, ΟPA festival (on performance art) is being established as a yearly event. The raising interest for the art of performance, the participation of young artists as well as historical figures of performance and the public and private institution’s, and media support have created a meeting point for the art of performance in our country and internationally. For two consequent weeks, artists and audience meet the most live art
Re-Think/ Re-use/ Re-make: Propositions and Possibilities on contemporary performance art. Based on Nicolas Bourriaud’s (French curator and theorist) book Post-Production
‘Since the early nineties, an even increasing number of artworks have been created on the basis of preexisting works; more and more artists interpret, reproduce, re-exhibit, or use works made by others or available cultural products. The material they manipulate is no longer primary. It is no longer a matter of elaborating a form on the basis of a raw material but working with objects that are already in circulation on the cultural market, which is to say, objects already informed by other objects. Notions of originality (being at the origin of) and even of creation (making something from nothing) are slowly blurred in this new cultural landscape’ (Bourriaud, 2005:7).
“Post-production” is a technical term from the audiovisual vocabulary that is used in television, film and video. It refers to a line of processes in recorded material: montage, use of other audiovisual materials, subtitling, voice-overs and special effects. In a line of activities connected with service provider industry and recycling, post- production belongs in a tertiary sector, contrary to the industrial or rural sector that produces primary material.