Supersaturated @ Mobius 23 & 24 August 2013

Performance of Supersaturated in collaboration with Eleanor Lawler @ Mobius Boston

Super-saturated: A durational performance that seeks to explore the relationship between body as flesh and body as image in the context of media overload that arises through the digital: testing the boundaries between spectator and performing body through sensorial, evocative actions and phrases.

Fish, flesh, blanket, stiletto, stocking, splashing, splatting.

Lawler and Nolan’s performances diverge and interweave as they spill, smack, stink, slice, stretch, envelope and slide their way around themes of impurity and the sexualized body.  The interaction of the body with everyday objects, explored to the point of ‘overload’ through repetition make them heavy with cultural meaning.  The works seek to push the objects till they slip between ‘thing’ and ‘symbol’, in turn pushing and pulling the body between a visceral presence in the world and distanced performance.

Mobius has presented the work of thousands of artists over its 30-year history and is recognized as one of the seminal alternative performance spaces in the U.S. Founded by the renowned performance artist and professor of performance art at the Museum School, Marylin Ansem in 1977, it is key hub for international live art. As a non-profit, artist-run organization, its mission is to generate, shape and test experimental art. The members of the organization believe an effective strategy for supporting this art is to establish grounds that build relationships among fellow artists.