Impromptu: Performances Fri 24th Aug from 6pm

Impromptu: Live Performances developed through an all day workshop
Market StudiosFriday 24th August 2012, from 6pm.

A small group of artists with a variety of experience, approaches and positions in relation to live art and performance, will be presenting their explorations that have evolved from the days workshop. We hope that this will foster an interesting dynamic to both share and break out of the processes of own practices, and allow things to happen. The aim of the workshop is to build an environment of trust and experimentation, that can then lead into an...
evening of 'actions'.

Participating Artists: Donna McLoughlin, Eleanor Lawler, Katherine Nolan, Paula Fitz

The exchanges between the artists and their practices will structure the event, but there is one aim:

to create something live - to explore where we feel the edges and boundaries of our practices are, and to move beyond them:

live in the sense that anything could happen,
live as being present in the moment
live as an energy
live as a response
live as fluid
live as the unplanned moments that happen
live as a dialogue

Performances from 6.00
Market Studios

We look forward to seeing you there

Eleanor & Katherine
This event is free and kindly supported by Market Studios andMART

At the edge of the land, of practice, and of knowing

I recently took part in 3 day performance workshop At the edge of the land, of practice, and of knowing in West Penwith, Cornwall, UK. Lead by Zierle & Carter as part of the DIY 9initiative supported by the Live Art Development Agency The workshop was exhilarating and enriching, both in its intense physical engagement with the landscape, and the journey taken as a group.New work has and is continuing to emerge from this. Video work to come.....

Images: Jon Greenland 

Exploring the concept of 'edge' through experiential and reflective exercises, through the lens of the workshop the landscape moved between metaphor for psychological states and material for physical engagement. Workshop info This three full day (four nights) intensive workshop will explore, in a sensorial and experiential way, what it is like to be out at the very periphery of a ‘bleak and rugged land’ – where historically experimentation, innovation, pioneering, radicality and alternative methods/philosophies have emerged strongly and are embedded in an ancient, seemingly ‘untouched’ landscape. Working site and context specific, we will be mapping the psycho-geographical landscape through our bodies and actions, trying to find our inner edge through exploring the outer edges, stepping into the spaces in-between land and water. Through body centred and material-led exercises/experimentations at sites along the West Penwith coastline, the workshop’s activities respond to the complex context and multiple realities revealed by being at the edge. (Zierle and Carter)

Video Still Video Still

Participating artists: Alister Lownie & Katerina Radeva Ann Haycock Cool Diabang Helen Goodwin Ilker Cinarel Jo Dimbleby Jon Greenland Katherine Nolan Nicole White Saffy Setohy Sarah Kent Sheila Ghelani Veronique Maria